Call of duty warzone apk
Call of duty warzone apk

call of duty warzone apk

Call of Duty Warzone Mobile FeaturesĬall of Duty: Warzone Mobile delivers authentic Call of Duty gameplay on mobile with first-class graphics and intuitive controls. You will get to play the most popular VERDANSK map as well. Users will have complete control over customization options to support both veterans and new recruits alike.

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The game will also have mobile-specific events, playlists, content, and Battle Pass. Players may exchange social elements like friends and chat channels, XP, weapon inventories, load-outs, and Battle Pass across platforms thanks to new Call of Duty 2.0 technology. It features authentic content with operators, weapons, and maps.Ĭall of Duty: Warzone allows up to 120 live players in a match on mobile.

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Warzone is a one-of-a-kind Battle Royale game thanks to its epic combat in gunplay, movement, and vehicles. Download Call of Duty Warzone Mobile APK here an play on any Android device from any location without a VPN.Ĭall of Duty: Warzone comes to Mobile as a successor to the popular Call of Duty Mobile game. If you can’t find the game in your region, don’t worry. The publisher just recently launched Warzone mobile game in select countries including the United States, the UK, and some European and Asian countries. How to install Call of Duty Mobile on your Android device manually?įollowing COD Mobile’s success, Activision is set to release a brand new mobile game called Call Of Duty Warzone Mobile.

Call of duty warzone apk